ISSN : 1302-7123 | E-ISSN : 1308-5123
The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital - Med Bull Sisli Etfal Hosp: 30 (3)
Volume: 30  Issue: 3 - 1996
1. Cardiovascular and Arterial Blood Gas Changes During Laparoscopic Cholescystectomy
Sibel Oba, Yeşim Koçkesen, Gürkan Yetkin, Sadık Yıldırım, Berrin Yalçın, Raife Torun
Pages 7 - 11

2. Endothelin-1 Levels at the Essential Hypertansion and Atherosclerosis
Ziyaettin Durakoğlu, Ilker Öner, Hikmet Yurtsever
Pages 12 - 20

3. Efficancy of lmmunosuppressive Therapy in lg A Nephropathy
Aydoğan Özbek, Ümit Ince, Hakkı Arıkan, Özlem Harmankaya, Akif Eran
Pages 21 - 24

4. To Show The Physiological Hypoxia of Healthy Newborn by Comparing Cord Blood Gases with Apgar Scores
Sinan Uslu, Güner Karatekin, Ayşegül Taplamacı, Asiye Nuhoğlu
Pages 25 - 27

5. lmpaired Glucose Tolerance and Atherosclerosis
Ziyaettin Durakoğlu, Ilker Öner, Banu Kılıç, Sema K. Seber, Hikmet Yurtsever
Pages 28 - 32

6. Çocuk Premedikasyonunda Oral Midazolam-Triclofos Sodium Alfentanyl ve Plasebonun Karşılaştırılması
P. Akduygu, A. Başgül, A. Hancı, N. Sivrikaya
Pages 33 - 38

7. The Effect of ACE lnhibitor Treatment on Proteinııria in Cases with Renal Amyloidosis
Hakkı Arıkan, Gürkan Yurteri, Özlem Harmankaya, Akif Eran, Aydoğan Öbek
Pages 39 - 42

8. The relationship between urinary volume in fetal bladder and amniotic fluid volume
Attila Çankaya, Levent Yaşar, Mustafa Seven, Kadir Savan, Bektaş Yıldırım
Pages 43 - 45

9. MRI Findings of Patients with Partial Epilepsy
A. Destina Yalçın, Asuman Kaymaz, Hulki Forta
Pages 46 - 49

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