ISSN : 1302-7123 | E-ISSN : 1308-5123
The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital - Med Bull Sisli Etfal Hosp: 12 (3)
Volume: 12  Issue: 3 - 1978
1. Hydatic Cysts
N. Apaydın, S. R. Öner, A. Özler
Pages 161 - 167
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. The Significance of Glucosuria in Diabetes Mellitus
İlter Güner
Pages 168 - 175
Abstract |Full Text PDF

3. Medical Treatment of Osteoarthritis
Atilla Atalay
Pages 176 - 180
Abstract |Full Text PDF

4. Foreign Bodies in Oezophagus
Tuğyan Atatür, Kadir Güngör, Rahmi Mısırcı, Cengiz Cantürk
Pages 181 - 196
Abstract |Full Text PDF

5. 17 Ketosteroids in Pregnancy
İlter Güner
Pages 197 - 204
Abstract |Full Text PDF

6. Mushroom Poisoning
Suat Efe, Halis Karsu, Mehmet Yazıcıoğlu, Yaşar Ceritoğlu, Semir Abbasoğlu
Pages 205 - 214
Abstract |Full Text PDF

7. Diagnostic Methods and First Aid in Traumas
Sait Rahmi Öner
Pages 215 - 222
Abstract |Full Text PDF

8. Psychiatric Problems in Dumping Syndrome
Ali İlhan Şener
Pages 223 - 229
Abstract |Full Text PDF

9. Horseshoe Kidney
İsmet Gürpınar, Nejat Fortan, Cengiz Miroğlu
Pages 230 - 236
Abstract |Full Text PDF

10. Premature Delivery
Necdet Alaca
Pages 237 - 249
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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