ISSN : 1302-7123 | E-ISSN : 1308-5123
The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital - Med Bull Sisli Etfal Hosp: 32 (3)
Volume: 32  Issue: 3 - 1998
1. The clinical assesment of 6 patients having both secondary diabetes mellitus and acromegaly between years 1995-1997
Mustafa Yıldız, A. Murat Müslüman, Ziyaettin Durakoğlu, H. Tanes Açıkel, Yunus Aydın
Pages 72 - 76

2. Reconstruction of the pharyngoesophageal defect with gastric pull-up, report of two cases
Uğur Çınar, Berna Uslu, A. Tunç Uzel, Sadık Yıdırım, Aras Şenvar
Pages 77 - 80

3. A case of nosocomial meningitis caused by multiple resistant pseudomonas aeruginosa
Birsen Çetin, Fatime Yetişkul, Sami Hatipoğlu, Yakup Çağan, Engin Seber, Tülay Ongun
Pages 81 - 83

4. Serebellar agenesis diagnosed in adulthood
Ibrahim M. Ziyal, Ayhan Öztürk
Pages 84 - 86

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