1. | Evaluation of the performance of the diagnostic tests: Basic concepts Muzaffer Başak, Mehmet Ertürk, Alper Özel Pages 7 - 10 Abstract |Full Text PDF |
2. | Autologous serum skin test of patients with chronic urticaria Fulya Göksu, Gonca Gökdemir, Adem Köşlü Pages 11 - 17 Objective: Chronic urticaria (CU) is a common skin disorder Previous studies defining the clinical features of patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU) were performed before the identification of functional autoantibodies against Fc_Rl.Some recent studies showed that approximately one- third of patients with CIU had circulating functional autoantibodies against the high affinity IgE receptor FcJRI and/or IgE. We aimed to use Autologous Serum Skin Test (ASST) in the patients with CU. Study design: Between October 2000-April 2001, ASST were performed in 30 CU patients and 10 healty controls. We used 0. 1 ml autologous serum and 0.9% phosphate buffered saline solution on both forearms. Results: ASST were positive 24 (80%) out of 30 patients with CU and ASST were positive,4 out of 10 healty controls. The difference was significant as statisticall. Conclusion: Chronic urticaria remains a major problem in terms of etiology, investigation and management. As a result of this study we can use ASST in patients who had chronic urticaria as pretest. |
3. | Osteosarcoma in young adults Mehtap Dalkılıç Çalış, Yusuf Başer, Öznur Aksakal, Bülent Aksoy, Oktay İncekara, İrfan Öztürk Pages 18 - 23 Objective: This study evaluates retrospectively those patients diagnosed with osteosarcoma in young adult whose applied to our clinic between 1989-2000. Study design: These patients have been investigated regarding sex, age, grade, stage, localization, tumor diameter, biopsy and surgery status, surgery limit status, therapy modalities and total survival. Conclusion: 23 patients, aged between 14-30, applied to our clinic. 17 were male and 6 were female. MenlWomen: 2.8. The most frequent tumor localization was the lower extremity (13 patients, 57%). 5 patients were at stage lb (22%), 8 patients were at stage 2b (35%), 6 were at stage 4a (26%), and 4 patients were at stage 4b (17%). Lung metastasis was the most frequent one. 19 patients (83%) received systemic chemotherapy and 9 patients (40%) received radiotherapy. The medial survival period was 13 months, median suiyival period was 10 months (Range 2-36 months). Results: The factors effecting survival were found as tumor size, stage, presence of metastasis and application of metastasectomy. |
4. | Administiratiorı rates of routine vaccines for the infant inpatients in Sisli Etfal research and education hospital Feyzullah Çetinkaya, Metin Uysalol, Özgür Beceren, Günsel Kutluk, Merih Evrüke Pages 24 - 28 Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the administration rates of BCG, diphteria- pertussis- tetanus (DPT), measles, polio and hepatitis B and the factors affecting these rates in 1-24 months old inpatients of the 3rd Pediatric Clinic ofSisli Etfal Research and Education Hospital which is located in downtown (central) Istanbul and has a patient profile largely composed of patients from low and very low socio-economic background. Study Design: All of the 1-24 months old inpatients admitted in the first three months of2001to the 3rd pediatric clinic of the Sisli Etfal Research and Education Hospital were included in the study. Vaccination history for BCG, DPT, polio, measles and hepatitis B is investigated. Results: The average age of the 250 patients included in the study was 7.6±5.4 months and the male: female ratio was 1.63. Proper vaccination rates for BCG, measles, DPT, polio, and hepatitis B were 70.5%, 47.5%, 35.9%, 35.0% and 22.4%, respectively. Four of five vaccines were found to be missed in 50% of the 250 patients and full vaccination schedule was completed by only one patient. Four (2%) infants in the study group were not administered any vaccines. The reasons for missing or absent vaccination were sickness in the vaccination time for 56.6% of cases, lack of information of the family in 42.1% of the cases and ignorance and lack of interest for 1.3% of the cases. It was also found that 30.6% of the 250 patients had at least one admission to a health care center in the past. Conclusion: Administration rates of the routine vaccines is very low for the study group in question. It is believed that taking advantage of the chances to initiate the vaccination schedule might significantly increase the vaccination rates. |
5. | Changes in arterial blood gases during laryngeal mask airway ion with sevoflurane inhalational or propofol infusion anesthesia Ayda Başgül, G. Ulufer Sivrikaya, Birsen Ekşioğlu, Ayşe Hancı Pages 29 - 32 Objective: The effects of propofol infusion or administration of sevoflurane inhalation on arterial blood gases(ABG) during laryngeal mask airway(LMA) ion in short duration procedures were compared. Material-Methods: After the approval of ethic committee,30 ASA 1-11 patients scheduled for urological surgery were randomly stratified into two groups.Fentanil( 1.5mcg/kg,IV) was administered to the both groups.LMA was ed after suppression of hipopharingeal reflexes with propofol(3mg/kg) in group 1, 30% 02, 70% N20 and sevoflurane(2-6%) inhalational anesthesia in group 2.Arterial blood gases (ABG) samples were taken before induction and thereafter at J5thmin.Statistical analysis was performed with student‘s t test and ANOVA. Results: Demographic data were similar.There was no significant difference in pH, paC02, EtC02, sa02, HC03, BE values either within groups or between the values at 1st and 15th min.There was a significant difference between the values at the 1st and 15th min within the groups considering pa02 however there was no significant difference between groups. Conclusions: Administration of propofol infusion or sevoflurane inhalational anesthesia didn‘t cause any significant difference in ABG.The significant difference between 1st and 15th min pa02 values may be strongly related to the increment offi02 from 19% to 30%.LMA is a safe alternative to trakeal intubation independent of applied anesthetic agent. |
6. | Cerebral blood flow velocity measurements using by colour doppler ultrasonography in neonatals Muzaffer Başak, Hülya Değirmenci, Hüseyin Özkurt, Mehmet Ertürk, Füsun Okan Pages 33 - 36 Objective: To Investigate the effect of gestational age and birth weight to cerebral blood flow velocities in terms and preterms, who are at high risk for brain damage in neonatal intensive care unit. Study design: 24 preterm and 13 term newborns were studied by transcranial doppler USG via anterior fontanel to evaluate the relation between gestational age and birth weight by using anterior cerebral artery and middle cerebral artery‘s peak sistolic velocities and Pourcelot‘s resistive index measurements Results: We took in 1500 gram and 37. gestational age for the borderline and above this criters there was a significant increase of arterial blood flow velocity but not for the resistive index as assesed by unpaired Student‘s t test Conclusions. There is a close relation between cerebral blood flow measurements and gestational age or birth weight. As a great number of parameters can influence normal cerebrovascular otoregulation and we can evaluate the early flow profile changes by using transcranial doppler USG which is non-invasif and indirect way. |
7. | The comparison of recombinant fsh and highly purified FSH regimens in chronic anovulatory cases Ayşe Aydın, Ahmet Varolan, Asuman Sevük, Inci Davas Pages 37 - 45 Objective: In the cases of chronic anovulation with policystic ovary disease who had been resistant to clomiphene citrate treatment, the effectiveness of hpFSH and rFSH were compared. Study Design: Among the 20 patients diagnosed as PCOS, infertility treatment scheduled with rFSH and hpFSH foi- induction of ovulation and insemination in two groups (n-10). Ovulation monitorised by transvaginal ultrasonography in the day after intervals. At the period of treatment 3rd day of the cycle and ovulation day serum hormon prophiles compared. Results and conclusion: When two groups were compared, for clomiphene citrate resistant chronic anovulatory PCOS patients both the recombinant technology products and highly purified FSH preparations were good alternatives in the ovulation induction. However statistical significance were present for serum hormon values but not for the occurance of ovulation. |
8. | A comperative study of cesarean deliveries among the age groups of adolescence and adulthood in Sisli Etfal research and training hospital between 1995 - 2001 Ahmet Varolan, Tevfik Yoldemir, Ali Yazgan, Atıf Akyol, Aslıhan Arıöz, İnci Davas Pages 46 - 49 Objective: Today the number of adolescent pregnancies and the rate of cesarean deliveries are increasing. In this study we searched this rate among adolescent and adulthood pregnancies and the possible reasons. Study design: 552 pregnant women under 19 years of age were taken into the study. Results: Between 01/01/1996 and 13/08/2001 there have been 7672 deliveries. 634 of them were vaginal deliveries, 1358 were cesarean deliveries. Adolescent deliveries were % 7,5 of all deliveries whereas %4 of all deliveries were adolescent cesarean deliveries. % 10 of total adult deliveries were through the abdominal way. On the other hand the abdominal way made up % 18 of all deliveries. Conclusion: The rate of cesarean deliveries is increasing in adolescent age group as it is in adulthood, but the rate is still lower than that in adulthood. |
9. | A comperative study of the cases operated for adnexial mass at the age of adolescence and adulthood between 1995 - 2001 in Sisli Etfal research and Training Hospital Atıf Akyol, Ahmet Varolan, Ali Yazgan, Tevfik Yoldemir, Aslıhan Arıöz, İnci Davas Pages 50 - 52 Objective: We aimed to compare the distribution of cases operated for adnexial mass between 1995-2001 according to the age groups in Sisli Etfal Research and Training Hospital, 2. Gynecology and Obstetric Department. Study design: We examined 2707 gynecologic operations retrospectively. 155 of them were adnexial mass whereas 83 were ectopic pregnancies. All the cases were grouped into adolescent and adult ages. Results: The number of cases operated for adnexial mass in adolescent age group was 9 (%0,33). It was 146 (%5,4) in adulthood. Conclusion: We concluded that the incidence of adnexial mass and ectopic pregnancy is higher in adulthood than in adolescence. |
10. | Cerebral atrophy and mini mental state in multipl sclerosis Kemal Barkut, Şerefnur Öztürk, Şenay Özbakır Pages 53 - 61 Objective: In this study bifrontal and bicaudate indexes of the patients with MS were compared with normal values and by doing this was aimed to investigate primarily if there was atrophy in MS,if these alterations had relations with the patient age, gender, duration of the disease clinical functional state (score of EDSS), MMS, by using MRI. Study design: 34 patients with MS were included in the study.Poser‘s classification and clinical typing were madeln cranial MRI bifrontal and bicaudate indexes were calculated.The demographical properties of the patients, the scores of EDSS, the score of MMS were recorded. Results: The group of patients was formed by 18 women (mean age 31,7229.266) and 16 men (mean age 33,750±10.516).When compared with the normal values,in patients bicaudate indexes (16,378±3,482) were not very different than the normal control values (mean 15,9±2,8). In patients group bifrontal indexes mean were found prominently high (35,6876,607) than the normal correlation values (31,1 ±3,7)(p<0,001). A significant correlation between the duration of the disease and bifrontal index values was established (404;p<0,0109). Gender, smoking didn’t cause any difference in index values. Conclusion: As conclusion it was considered that in patients with MS cerebral atrophy was one of the important findings which should be fallowed and for this purpose the measuring of bifrontal and bicaudate indexes were easy methods that could be used. |
11. | Coming out of the hypercalcemic coma dramatically by applying iv pamidronate and sc calcitonin concomitant treatment which is due to very seldom etiology Mehtap Dalkılıç Çalış, Gül Çağrı Erol, Fatih Borlu, Ebru Em, Hülya Tanes Açıkel Pages 62 - 68 The plasma calcium is maintained at a remarkably constant concentration by a complex homeostatic mechanism which is only partially understood. A multitude of cell and organ functions are dependent on the maintenance of the extracellular fluid calcium concentration within a very narrow range. Hypercalcemia is rarely a presenting sign of malignency, except in patients with parathyroid carcinoma, human T-cell lympotropic virus type-1 lymphoma, or multiple myeloma. In this article, a rarely occured coma of hypercalcemia due to very seldom etiology is presented and then coming out of the coma dramatically by applying IV Pamidronate and SC Calcitonin concomitant treatment and interesting clinic progress is explained. Result: Clinicians are frequently confronted with hypercalcemia as an isolated laboratory abnormality. In practice 90 percent of cases are due either to primary hyperparathyroidism or to malignancy. Thus, the first two conditions that the clinician considers when faced with differential diagnosis of hypercalcemia is whether the underlying disorder responsible is malignancy or primary hyperparathyroidism. |
12. | A case of bilateral facial atrophia Semra Hacıkerim Karşıdağ, Soner Tatlıdede, Ayşin Karasoy, Aylin Kurt, İsmail Kuran Pages 69 - 71 Facial atrophia, which is an atrophic connective tissue disease, is mostly seen as isolated cases, but rarely its a component of various syndromes and musculer disorders. Anterolateral thigh flap, latissimus dorsi muscle flap, deepithelialized parascapular flap, deepithelialized TRAM flap are the alternative reconstruction methods which are mentioned in the literature. 27 years old female patient who presented with bilateral hemifacial atrophia was reconstructed with deepithelialized free bilateral inguinal fasciocutaneous flap. In postoperative period, no complication was observed. In patients with bilateral fascial atrophia, reconstruction with free fasciocutaneous inguinal flaps can be considered. |
13. | Apendiks musinöz kistadenom olgusu Hüseyin Özkurt, Muzaffer Başak, Sevtap Durmaz, Ender Uysal, İrfan Çelebi Pages 72 - 75 Apendiksin benign tümörlerinden müsinöz kistadenom apendiks lümeııinin müsinöz sekresyonla dilate olması sonucu nıukosele neden olan nadir bir hastalıktır. Müsin salgılayan epitelin tünıöral proliferasyonu, lümende müsin birikimine yol açarak apendiks lümenini dilate eder Spontan perforasyon ya da operasyon esnasında ruptür riski taşıması ve pseudomiksoma peritoneye yol açabilmesi nedeniyle önemlidir Bizim olgumuzda ise lezyonun alışılmışın dışında büyük boyutta olması tanıyı güçleştirmekteydi. |