In this study, we studied serum levels of two ylycolithic enzymes, phosphoheksose izomerase and aldolase in histopatholoyically confirmed malign tumor patients, and we compared these levels between patients with and/or without metastasis and lymphadenopathy. The aim of the study is to determine the relationship between these enzymes and tumor metastasis and to assess whether they can be used as a tumor marker in the therapy and follow-up. Histopatholoyically confirmed 100 cancer patients under therapy and foil owe d-up by the Department of Radiation Oncology of Sisli Etfal Education and Research Hospital and a control group of 50 healthy individual are included in the study. In healthy control group, serum PHI enzyme levels were determined as 10-59 UIL (average 31.9 UIL), ALD levels as 1.2-6.8 UIL (average 3.81 UIL). Values obtained in patients with malign cancer were 18- 492 UIL (average 82.14 UIL) for PHI and 1.4-61.3 UIL (average 6.87 UIL) for ALD. If any classification according to tumor type was not done, PLII in 59 % of patients and ALD in 23 % of patients were above the upper limits. When such a classification was done according to tumor type, the rates of increased levels were: Lung 85.1 %, sarcoma 83.3 %, breast 60 %, gastrointestinal tract 40 %, genitourinary system 33.3 % and lymphoma 33.3 %. The rates of increased ALD levels in same tumor types were found as 40 %, 33.3 %, 16%, 13.3 %, 11.1 % and 33 % respectively. A significant difference was obtained between patient group and control group for PH! (P: 0.000) and ALD (P.O.002) levels. Levels of PHI (P.0.000) and ALD (P: 0.001) were markedly higher in patients with metastasis than in control group. When patients with metastasis and without metastasis were compared it was observed that ALD levels (P: 0.042) showed a marked difference compared to PHI levels (P: 0.128>0.05). Any significant difference was not obtained between patients with and without lymphadenopathy, cither for PHI (P: 0.154>0.05) or for ALD (P: 0.176>0.05). In conclusion, we observed that both parameters were elevated in cancer patients, aldolase levels being more significant in determining metastasis. We suggest that these parameters have the advantage of being unexpensive and easily automated.
Biz bu çalışmada, glikolitik yolda yer alan fosfoheksoz izomeraz (PHI) ve aldolaz \n (ALD) serıım düzeylerini histopatolojik olarak malign tümör varlığı saptanan hastalarda anıştırıp, uzak metastazı vt‘/veya lenfadenopatisi olan ve olmayan hastaların serumlarında sözkonusıı enzimlerin düzeylerini karşılaştırdık. Çalışmanın amacı her iki enzimin tümör metastaz ilişkisini ortaya koymak ve höylece kanser hastalığının tedavisinde ve takibinde tümör markırları olarak kullanılıp kullanılamayacaklarını araştırmaktır. Çalışmaya İstanbul, Şişli Etfal Hastanesi Radyasyon Onkolojisi Kliniği’nde takip ve tedavileri sürdürülmekte olan histopatolojik olarak tanıları konulmuş kanserli 100 hasta ve 50 sağlıklı kişiden oluşan kontrol grubu dahil edilmiştir. Kontrol yruhundaki sağlıklı kişilerin serumlarında ekle edilen PHI düzeyleri 10-59 IHL (ortalama 31.9 UIL), ALD düzeyleri 1.2-6.005) yöre daha anlamlı oldukları sonucuna varıldı. Lenfadenopatisi olan ve olma¬yan hastalar arasında, ne PLII (P: ().!54>0.05) ne de ALD (P: 0.I76>0.05) bakımından anlamlı bir bağlantı ekle edilebildi. Sonuç olarak, her iki parametrenin kanserli hastalarda yülselmiş okluğunu, Aldolaz değerlerinin metastazı tespit etmede daha atılmalı olduğunu izledik. Lier iki parametrenin de otomasyona kolay uygulanması ve ucuz oluşunuda avantaj olarak değerlendirdik.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Fosfoheksoz izomeraz, Aldolaz, Kanser