ISSN : 1302-7123 | E-ISSN : 1308-5123
Patients Lost after Anti-HCV-Positive Finding in a Tertiary Care University Hospital: Increased Awareness and Action is Necessary to Eradicate HCV [Med Bull Sisli Etfal Hosp]
Med Bull Sisli Etfal Hosp. 2019; 53(4): 366-370 | DOI: 10.14744/SEMB.2019.46656

Patients Lost after Anti-HCV-Positive Finding in a Tertiary Care University Hospital: Increased Awareness and Action is Necessary to Eradicate HCV

Mustafa Zanyar Akkuzu, Orhan Sezgin, Serkan Yaraş, Osman Özdoğan, İbrahim Yılmaz, Enver Ucbilek, Fehmi Ates, Engin Altintas
Department of Gastroenterology, Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Mersin, Turkey

Objectives: Though there is a global effort to eradicate hepatitis C infection (HCV), several obstacles remain. Many patients infected with the virus are not detected or go untreated. The goal of this study was to identify any barriers to treatment and any difficulties contributing to the elimination of HCV infection at a tertiary care university hospital.
Methods: This was a retrospective review. The hospital data system was searched for records of patients admitted to the hospital for any reason from between 2013 and 2018 who were screened for viral markers and determined to be anti-HCV positive. The follow-up performed was then analyzed.
Results: Viral marker testing was requested for 65,853 patients during the study period. Of those, 64.735 (98.3%) were found to be anti-HCV negative and 1118 (1.7%) were anti-HCV positive. In all, 392 (35.06%) were detected in the gastroenterology department, 417 (37.3%) were patients in the infectious diseases department, and 309 (27.64%) were identified in other clinics, including emergency services, the blood bank, and others. There were 30/392 (7.65%) patients admitted to the gastroenterology clinic who declined a biopsy and/or treatment. In other clinics, 88/309 (28.5%) patients were identified who were not treated for HCV and not followed up because they were not referred to the related specialty department.
Conclusion: It was determined that there was a significant gap in referring patients to the appropriate specialized department following an anti-HCV positive finding and thus to appropriate follow-up and treatment programs.

Keywords: Awareness, hepatitis C virus; knowledge.

Patients Lost after Anti-HCV-Positive Finding in a Tertiary Care University Hospital: Increased Awareness and Action is Necessary to Eradicate HCV

Mustafa Zanyar Akkuzu, Orhan Sezgin, Serkan Yaraş, Osman Özdoğan, İbrahim Yılmaz, Enver Ucbilek, Fehmi Ates, Engin Altintas
Department of Gastroenterology, Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Mersin, Turkey

GİRİŞ VE AMAÇ: Dünya Sağlık Örgütü, 2030 yılına kadar dünyadaki önemli bir sağlık sorununu olan HCV enfeksiyonunu yok etme hedefini belirlemiştir. Bu hedefi sağlık uzmanları olarak benimsememize ve bunun için mücadele etmemize rağmen, engellerin ortaya çıkabileceğini gözlemliyoruz. Hepatit C ile enfekte olan tüm hastalar tespit edilemez ve tüm hastalar tedavi edilemez. Amacımız, hepatit C'li hastane hastalarımıza erişimdeki sorunları tespit etmek ve HCV enfeksiyonunun giderilmesinde doğabilecek zorlukları tespit etmektir.
MATERYAL VE METOD: Hastane veri kayıt sisteminden son 5 yılda (2013-2018 arasında) herhangi bir nedenle hastanede viral belirteçleri istenen ve anti-HCV’nin pozitif olduğu saptanan hastalar tespit edildi. Daha sonra bu hastaların akibetleri incelendi.
BULGULAR: 65853 kişide viral belirteçlere istenmişti ve 64735 (% 98,3)’ünde anti-HCV negatif, 1118 (% 1,7)’inde anti-HCV pozitif bulundu. Hastaların 392'si (% 35,06) gastroenteroloji bölümünde, 417'si (% 37,3) enfeksiyon hastalıkları bölümünde, 309'u (% 27,64) diğer kliniklerde Anti HCV pozitif tespit edilmişti. Gastroenteroloji kliniğinde tespit edilip tedavi almamış 30/392 (% 7,65) hasta vardı. Çünkü bu hastalar biyopsi ve tedaviyi kabul etmemişlerdi. Diğer kliniklerde ise, ilgili branşlara yönlendirilmediği için takip edilmemiş ve tedavi almamış 88/309 (% 28,5) hasta tespit edildi.
TARTIŞMA: Hastaları ilgili uzmanlık bölümlerine ve dolayısıyla uygun takip ve tedavi programlarına yönlendirmede önemli bir boşluk olduğunu tespit ettik.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Hepatit C Virüsü, bilgi, farkındalık

Corresponding Author: Mustafa Zanyar Akkuzu
Manuscript Language: English
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