OBJECTIVE: To research the effectiveness of cryosurgery on various indications.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: 89 patients who were treated by cryosurgery application between 14.09.1999 and 25.04.2000 were included in this study. Spray was used in 77 cases, prob in 9 cases, and both were used in 3 cases. The application was carried out until a lateral spread of freeze of 2-3 mm was seen around benign lesions, 3 mm around premalign lesions, and 5 mm around malign lesions. Double freeze-thaw cycle was applied in 55 cases, and single freeze-thaw cycle was applied in 32 cases. In two cases, both double and single freeze-thaw cycle were applied in different sessions; and freeze-thaw cycle was applied in malign lesions. The patients were followed up by weekly controls.
RESULTS: 87% of verruca vulgaris,!00 %of verruca anogenitalis, 57%of verruca plantaris, 80% of verruca filiformis, 100% of molluscum contagiosum, 85% of granuloma pyogenicum, 100% of hemangiom, 100% of actinic keratosis, 100% of seborrheic keratosis, 100% of basal cell carcinoma cases responded to cryosurgery. When evaluated totally, cure rate of the study is 95%.
CONCLUSIONS: While cryosurgery is one of the methods, which is preferred first in the treatment of actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma, molluscum contagiosum, granuloma pyogenicum, it is an alternative method in the treatment of verruca vulgaris, verruca anogenitalis, verruca plantaris, verruca filiformis and seborrheic keratosis.
AMAÇ: Kriyocerrahinin çeşitli endikasyonlardaki etkinliğini araştırmak.
MATERYAL VE METOD: Çalışmamıza 14.09.1999-25.04.2000 tarihleri arasında kriyocerrahi endikasyoııu konup uygulanan 89 hasta alındı. 77 vakada sprey, 9 vakada prob, 3 vakada ise hem prob hem sprey kullanıldı. Benign lezyonlarda 2-3 mm lik donma halkası, premalign lezyonlarda 3 mm lik donma halkası, nıalign lezyonlarda 5 mm lik donma halkası oluşturuldu. 55 vakada çift donnıa-erime siklusu, 32 vakada tek donnıa-erime siklusu, 2 vakada değişik seanslarda hem çift hem tek donma-erime siklusu uygulandı. Hastalar haftalık kontrollerle izlendi.
BULGULAR: Verruka vulgariste %87, verruka anogenitalisde %100, verruka plantarisde % 57, verruka fifilormisde %80, nıolluskum kotıtagiosumda %100, piyojenik granolumda %85, hemanjiomda %100, aktinik keratozda %100, seboreik keratozda %100, bazal hücreli karsinonıda %100 oranında kriyocerrahi ile başarı sağlanmıştır. Genel olarak değerlendirildiğinde çalışmamızda iyileşme oranı, %95’dir.
SONUÇ: Kriyocerrahi, aktinik keratoz, bazal hücreli karsinonı, nıolluskum kantagiosum, piyajenik granulonıda ilk tercih edilecek tedavi metodları arasında iken, verruka vulgaris, verruka anogenitalis, verruka plantaris, verruka filiformis ve seboreik keratozda alternatif tedavi metodudur.