ISSN : 1302-7123 | E-ISSN : 1308-5123
The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital - Med Bull Sisli Etfal Hosp: 10 (3)
Volume: 10  Issue: 3 - 1976
1. Dr. Hazım Bumin

Pages 190 - 230
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. A Different Rare Type of Acute Diaphragmatic Myocardium Infarction
Semir Abbasoglu
Pages 231 - 236
Abstract |Full Text PDF

3. Two Cases of Ventricular Septal Defect
Nimet Kayaalp, Sümer Tercan, Aydın Arık, Tezer Ulusoy, Yaşar Yıldırım
Pages 237 - 245
Abstract |Full Text PDF

4. Seruplasmin and Total Copper in P.K.M. Infant
Zeki Erdoğmuş, Nevin Bozbora, Ahmet Alver, Sabiha Pala
Pages 246 - 252
Abstract |Full Text PDF

5. A Case of Marcus-Gunn Phenomenia
Ertuğrul Tarhan, M. Hayri Durdu
Pages 253 - 256
Abstract |Full Text PDF

6. Apert Syndrome
Zeki Erdoğmuş, Nevin Bozkara, Ahmet Alver
Pages 257 - 261
Abstract |Full Text PDF

7. Statistical Evoluation of Pediatrics Cases According Age, Sex, Diagnosis and Prognosis of Şişli Children's Hospital Between 1968-1972
Nevin Bozbora, Abdurrahman Özsarı, Berşan Topçu, Engin Canberk, Gönül Hatipoğlu, Senay Kutsal, Ümit Müllin, Ahmet Alver
Pages 262 - 265
Abstract |Full Text PDF

8. Intrauterin Fetal Distress and Its Methods of Diagnosis
Fürüzan Selcen, Peker Özkara
Pages 266 - 279
Abstract |Full Text PDF

9. A Case of Hydatid Cyst Localized on the Ovarium
Fatih Ali Yücel, Ülkü Gökdemir, Hüseyin Atalay
Pages 280 - 285
Abstract |Full Text PDF

10. Pregnancy and Drug Relations
Hadi Sungun
Pages 286 - 294
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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